Part 2: How to Backup Mac System and Files. Since one can access the information from the cloud almost anywhere, it is ideally recommended to backup Mac to iCloud promptly. You can either take a backup of Mac on iCloud or any other external hard disk.

After updating, be sure to let us know in the comments section below how the new update has worked out for you. Users wishing to update to OS X version 10.8.4 can do so via the Mac App Store right now and it is of course a free update for all existing OS X Mountain Lion users. The following method allows you to download Mac OS X Lion. OS X Mountain Lion was released on Jfor purchase and download through Apple's Mac App Store, as part of a switch to releasing OS X versions online and every year, rather than every two years or so. OS X Mountain Lion (version 10.8) is the ninth major release of OS X (previously Mac OS X, now called macOS), Apple Inc.' S desktop and server operating system for Macintosh computers. If it’s OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion that you need you can buy it for £19.99 here US or here UK As with Lion, Apple will send you a download code to use on the Mac App Store, so you will need to be.